October 7, 2008

My Friends

Maybe it's me, but...

Dear John McCain,

I am not your friend.

I'd prefer to be introduced before becoming "friends".

I count among my friends people who, first and foremost, actually know me. Those people I call "friend" are people that I can truly trust. People who understand me, people I understand - people I can relate to. People I can have faith in. I am careful about choosing friends. While I am always open to meeting people and getting to know them, I don't throw the word "friend" around lightly. In my 45 years of being alive, I've come to believe most people feel the same.

I think friends can come to mean as much as, if not more so, than family. We choose our friends, family is a gift we can not exchange.

Love among friends is rare and should be treasured.

I don't choose to be friends only with those who share my views. As I have said in a previous writing - I love an open exchange of ideas. Those I call friend come from every walk of life, every possible description, and from all political standpoints. That's a conscious decision, because I happen to think if we were all the same life would be pretty boring.

I do, however, think it's important that we have some things in common. What I know I have in common with each and every one of my friends is respect for each other and absolute trust in each other. That's something my father taught me - and he served our country all of his life too.

Based solely on that, I could never choose you for a friend Mr. McCain. Please address me by my name.

p.s. - I expected that you would waste much of my time tonight with negative rhetoric as opposed to actually answering questions posed by my fellow citizens. Thanks for not disappointing me.


News Editor said...

As I was listening with one ear, it sounded like the debate was going well for our guy. Then I heard a co-worker who is an Obama backer saying he was getting thumped, that he sounded like a wuss. I was discouraged. Then after the debate I heard Katy Couric and Bob Shieffer saying good things about Obama. I was more encouraged. Hopefully, the country was impressed.

News Editor said...

Letterman started off his show, "Hi, I'm Dave Six-Pack!"

News Editor said...

A note on "friends" from a Times news analysis:

“Thank you very much,” interjected Mr. McCain, the one who worked harder Tuesday night at such folksy notes — like calling questioners and even Tom Brokaw by their first names; roaming so far and wide across the stage it seemed he would end up in the Nashville suburbs; and saying “my friends” so often it sounded less cordial than compulsive.

TheTargumKid said...

i totally agree with you. every time he says "my friend" i want to puke. i used to actually respect mccain. but the more i see him, the more I hear how he tries to twist the words of such an honorable, dignified candidate, and the more i watch how his smarmy campaign has stooped to new lows, the more I wish this doddering hypocrite would simply go away. (I'll get my wish in 27 days.)

Great job on this blog. I love your writing. Your words convey an authentic, raw strength. I'm going to start referring to you as the Real Straight Talk Express!

Keep up the good work!


p.s. - and whoever this NJEditor guy is, tell him to keep his opinions to himself. clearly he's a fool :)

Eileen said...

To the Targum Kid:

Thanks for your support! Coming from "The Kid" it means alot. BTW - you were one of the "friends" I was talking about, especially where love is rare and to be treasured.
As far as NJEditor goes, well, I'll just have to let him get back to you!

News Editor said...

Punk kid.